The book by Kosuke Inada and Toshifumi Kajiwara, “Practice of W&I Insurance (2nd Edition)”, was recommended by Zaikai Online on 15th September, 2024.
The book by Kosuke Inada and Toshifumi Kajiwara, “Practice of W&I Insurance (2nd Edition)”, was published from Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs.
The comments by our CEO, Kosuke Inada, was posted in the article, “Demand for domestic M&A cover rises in Japan as cross-border activity falls” on the (Re) in Asia October 31,2023. https://reinasia.com/demand-for-domestic-manda-cover-rises-japan-while-crossborder-activity-falls-unlocked/
Kosuke Inada was invited as a main speaker with Marsh Japan for the seminar “The Latest Practice of W&I Insurance including Risk Management after the Closing” held by the Japan Private Equity Association (JPEA). https://jpea.group/english/committee/knowledge-sharing-committee/
Kosuke Inada was invited as a main speaker for the seminar “W&I Insurance for Real Estate M&A” held by the National&Public University Real Estate Organization Maru no Kai. https://www.marunokai.net
The article on Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance and TMU was posted on MARR Online (August 26, 2022). https://www.marr.jp/mainfo/web_marr/entry/38972
We’re delighted to announce that Toshifumi Kajiwara has joined us as our new underwriter. Toshi has lots of experience in M&A finance and M&A at Clifford Chance (Tokyo) and LINE corporation. Look forward to working with you soon!
Our office has moved to a new place. Please drop in when you come nearby.
【New address】THE MODULE roppongi 312, Roppongi 7-21-24, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
The article by Kosuke Inada, “Legal Check! Risk Management with Legal and Insurance for Solar Power Generation Business II”, was published in the 2021 Autumn issue of the Environmental Business.
The article by Kosuke Inada, “Legal Check! Risk Management with Legal and Insurance for Solar Power Generation Business”, was published in the 2021 Summer issue of the Environmental Business.